Writing makes a lot of people nervous. They think they don’t know what to say, or if they do know what to say, they struggle to get it down on paper. For others, they are quite excellent writers but don’t have time to spend on writing something for themselves. In both these scenarios and everything in between, one solution is to hire a professional ghostwriter. The difference between a content writer and a ghostwriter, is that in ghostwriting, someone else claims the byline or makes the speech as if she or he wrote it. When people hear the word ghostwriter, they usually think of books and memoirs–Donald Trump, for example, had a ghostwriter for The Art of the Deal. But ghostwriting can be for anything.
I have been a professional ghostwriter for more than 10 years. I write articles, newsletters, state of the union speeches, fundraising speeches, scripts for banquet addresses, etc., on behalf of C-suite executives and volunteer lay leaders alike. I have been published in many places but don’t have the byline. I have written for real estate agents, travel companies, non-profits, schools, and tech companies.
Ghostwriting is a collaborative effort. It involves a free initial consultation about what is needed, which can include brainstorming different ideas or letting me know exactly what the speech or article needs to be about. Sometimes I need to do research on the topic, and sometimes all the necessary information comes from the client. Pricing depends on how involved the project is going to be. Next, I write an initial draft and then send it to you for approval, changes, additions, etc. Sometimes, just one draft is needed and that’s enough to get clients started on their own revisions. Sometimes it’s back and forth until the client thinks it’s perfect (or good enough to go out under their own name).
Having someone else write for you makes your life easier. For more information and a free consultation, contact me at [email protected].